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    Mon-Sat 9.00 to 17.00

0800 228 9720

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South West, South Est, London

For a free consultation call Mon-Sat 9.00 to 17.00
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Who runs OsmoDry® in the UK?


Originally from the Czech Republic, George has been working on buildings in the UK for the last 12 years. His experience working in older properties gave George an insight in to the complex problems associated with damp. Knowing this was a problem for his clients, he reached out to some technological innovators in the Czech Republic who he knew had been developing an ecological solution to rising damp.

That's how he came across OsmoDry. This innovative product was created to dehumidify and dry walls in a non-invasive and electrode-free way. This was a safe, ecologically friendly product that George knew could save people money and save their homes from invasive undercutting, chemical injections and wall damage.

OsmoDry®. All rights reserved.
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